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        肯尼亞總統(tǒng)敦促讓中非貿(mào)易恢復(fù)平衡 英語新聞

        2017-5-22 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1482 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

        President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya has called on China to rebalance an increasingly skewed trade relationship between Africa and the rising superpower, arguing that Beijing must do more to tackle a widening trade deficit.

        肯尼亞總統(tǒng)烏胡魯肯雅塔(Uhuru Kenyatta,上圖左二)呼吁中國讓非洲與這個崛起中的超級大國之間日益傾斜的貿(mào)易關(guān)系恢復(fù)平衡,稱北京方面必須采取更多行動解決非洲日益擴大的貿(mào)易逆差。
        Africa’s trade balance with China has moved decisively into deficit due to a fall in the price of many African commodities, such as oil, copper, iron ore and cocoa. In 2015, the most recent year for which there is reliable data, Africa’s 54 countries recorded a $34bn deficit with China on total trade of $172bn, according to the China-Africa Research Initiative (Cari) at Johns Hopkins University, although commodity prices have strengthened somewhat since then.
        由于石油、銅、鐵礦石和可可等許多非洲大宗商品價格下跌,非洲對華貿(mào)易已不可避免地出現(xiàn)逆差。約翰霍普金斯大學(xué)(Johns Hopkins University)“中非研究倡議”(China-Africa Research Initiative)的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,2015年(能找到可靠數(shù)據(jù)的最新年份),非洲54國對華貿(mào)易總額為1720億美元,總逆差為340億美元,盡管大宗商品價格自那年起已有所走強。
        “As with any country, the...trade deficit is an issue of concern and we will be pushing to see how we can increase opportunities for Kenyan goods to penetrate the Chinese market,” Mr Kenyatta said in an interview with the Financial Times. He did not specify which goods Kenya hoped to export or precisely what Chinese barriers stood in their way.
        Kenya, east Africa’s most developed economy, is less dependent on commodities than many countries on the continent and grew by nearly 6 per cent last year. Nevertheless, in 2015, Kenya imported $5.9bn worth of Chinese goods, much of it steel and equipment for a $4bn Chinese-built railway, but shipped only $99m of goods in return, according to Cari.
        Mr Kenyatta, one of only two African leaders to attend this weekend’s Beijing forum of China’s flagship Belt and Road regional infrastructure programme, said ahead of the gathering: “Those of us there, representing Africa, will be pushing...to increase our trade into China.”
        上周末,中國招牌性的地區(qū)基建計劃“一帶一路”(Belt and Road)的論壇在北京召開,肯雅塔是出席該論壇的僅有的兩位非洲國家領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人之一。他在會前表示:“我們這些代表非洲出席的人,將力求……擴大我們的對華出口!
        Referring to concerns in parts of Africa that China was recreating colonial trading patterns by flooding the continent with manufactured goods, extracting raw materials and gobbling up construction contracts, Mr Kenyatta said that Beijing was “beginning to appreciate that, if their win-win strategy is going to work, it must mean that, just as Africa opens up to China, China must also open up to Africa”.
        Under its Belt and Road initiative, China is seeking to refashion the ancient Silk Road linking Asia with Europe and Africa, including Kenya on the Indian Ocean coast. China overtook the US as Africa’s biggest trading partner in 2009.
        Mr Kenyatta said Kenya intended to emulate Ethiopia by inviting Chinese manufacturers to the country. As Chinese wages rise, African leaders see attracting jobs in labour-intensive industries such as textiles, shoes and agro-processing as one way of tackling the trade imbalance.
        Mr Kenyatta said the establishment of special economic zones, modelled on China and built close to new, mostly Chinese-built, transport links, was “critical for job creation in Kenya”.
        The president denied Kenya was taking on too much Chinese debt to finance what critics have suggested are white elephant projects that will never pay for themselves. His government borrowed $3.6bn for the Mombasa-Nairobi leg of a new rail line, due to open next month, which Mr Kenyatta said would eventually extend to Uganda, Rwanda and even the Atlantic coast in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
        “We believe strongly that infrastructural development is what is going to help us open up east Africa, open up the continent to trade and investment,” he said. “Our debt is all towards investment — investment that should have been made a long time back,” he said, adding that debt was still at a “very sustainable level”.

        On Mr Kenyattas watchsince 2013, debt has risen from 40 per cent to 53 per cent of grossdomestic productAnd critics say that ratio is flattered by the fact that Kenyas GDP jumpedby a quarter when it was recalculated in 2014. “Well find ourselves so indebted to China we willbe beholden to them not only economically but politically,” said Patrick Lumumbadirector ofthe Kenya School of Law.

        自肯雅塔于2013年上臺以來,肯尼亞的債務(wù)與國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值(GDP)之比已從40%升到53%。而且批評者稱,這一比例還是“美顏”后的結(jié)果,因為2014年肯尼亞的GDP經(jīng)過重新計算后激增了四分之一。肯尼亞法學(xué)院(Kenya School of Law)院長帕特里克盧蒙巴(Patrick Lumumba)表示:“我們會發(fā)覺自己欠中國太多,我們將不僅在經(jīng)濟上欠他們的,在政治上也欠。”
