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        朝鮮宣稱成功試射中遠程火箭 中英雙語

        2017-5-22 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1571 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

        North Korea on Monday claimed success in developing a new long-range rocket capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, a boast that will set off new alarms in Washington if it proves to be true.

        Pyongyang said a ballistic missile test early on Sunday used a new rocket that could be equipped with a “l(fā)arge-size heavy nuclear warhead” and warned that its weapons were capable of reaching the mainland US.
        North Korean propaganda regularly overstates the country’s military capabilities and should be treated with wariness. However, the comments chime with those of experts, as well as Japanese defence officials, who noted that Pyongyang’s latest test appeared to show significantly enhanced range.
        North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “hugged officials in the field of rocket research, saying that they worked hard to achieve a great thing”, according to an English-language news report from KCNA, Pyongyang’s official news agency.
        朝鮮官方通訊社朝中社(KCNA)一篇英文新聞報道稱,朝鮮領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)“擁抱著火箭研究部門干部贊賞道,你們真辛苦了,成就了一番大事業(yè)”。
        Describing US policy as “coward American-style fanfaronade militarily browbeating only weak countries”, the agency said that if the US provoked North Korea it would “not escape from the biggest disaster in the history”.
        The rocket flew about 700km and reached an altitude of more than 2,000km. If fired at a lower trajectory, analysts believe the missile could have a range of more than 4,500km, putting US bases in Guam within range.
        “Had North Korea launched this missile at its maximum range, it would have covered US bases in Japan, Guam and potentially Hawaii,” said Bong Youngshik, a North Korean expert at Yonsei university.
        延世大學(xué)(Yonsei University)朝鮮問題專家奉英植(Bong Young-shik)表示:“如果朝鮮以最大射程發(fā)射這枚導(dǎo)彈,它將覆蓋美國在日本、關(guān)島、可能還有夏威夷的基地。

        The North Korea military were very mindful with this testThey wanted Seoul and Washingtonto recognise it and thus strengthen Pyongyangs hand in any upcoming negotiations.”

