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        特朗普遭遇FBI妨礙司法調(diào)查 英文翻譯

        2017-6-23 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1778 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

        Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor leading the FBI investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow, has expanded his inquiry to examine whether the US president tried to influence the Russia probe in a manner that obstructed justice, according to US media.

        根據(jù)美國媒體的報道,特別檢察官羅伯特?米勒(Robert Mueller)已經(jīng)將調(diào)查范圍擴大至美國總統(tǒng)唐納德?特朗普(Donald Trump)是否曾試圖以妨礙司法公正的方式、影響通俄調(diào)查。米勒負責(zé)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局(FBI)對特朗普選舉陣營與莫斯科方面間可能共謀的調(diào)查。
        The Washington Post said Mr Mueller was preparing to interview two top intelligence officials about their interactions with President Donald Trump. The move appears to confirm the suggestion from James Comey, the recently ousted director of the FBI, who last week told Congress that he was sure that Mr Mueller was investigating the possibility that the president had obstructed justice.
        《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)表示,米勒正準(zhǔn)備就兩名高級情報官員與特朗普的互動問詢兩人。此舉似乎確認了FBI最近被罷免局長詹姆斯?科米(James Comey)的暗示。科米曾在上周向美國國會表示,他確信米勒正在調(diào)查特朗普妨礙司法公正的可能性。
        The White House did not refute the claims in the Washington Post report. Mark Corallo, spokesman for the lawyer hired by Mr Trump to handle the Russia probe, did not comment on whether the White House contested the claims. He said only that “the FBI leak of information regarding the president is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal”. Mr Mueller’s office declined to comment, while the National Security Agency said it would “fully co-operate” with Mr Mueller but refused to comment further.
        白宮沒有駁斥《華盛頓郵報》報道的說法。而對于白宮是否曾駁斥這些說法的問題,特朗普聘來處理通俄調(diào)查的律師的發(fā)言人馬克?科拉洛(Mark Corallo)并未置評。他只是表示“FBI泄露涉總統(tǒng)信息是蠻橫、不可原諒和非法的”。米勒的辦公室拒絕置評,而美國國家安全局(NSA)則表示會“全面配合”米勒,不過該機構(gòu)拒絕進一步置評。
        The Washington Post said Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence who oversees the entire US intelligence community, and Admiral Mike Rogers, head of the NSA, had both agreed to testify along with one other former NSA official.
        《華盛頓郵報》表示,美國整個情報界的監(jiān)督人、美國國家情報總監(jiān)丹?科茨(Dan Coats)和美國國家安全局局長麥克?羅杰斯海軍上將(Admiral Mike Rogers)都已同意與另一位NSA前情報官員一道作證。

        US media previously reported that Mr Trump had asked Mr Coats, a former Indiana senator whom he appointed to the intelligence role, and Adm Rogers to say publicly that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. Appearing together before Congress last week, the two men said they had never been pressured to do anything inappropriate, but both refused to say whether Mr Trump had asked them to intervene in the Russia investigation.

        There is nothing in the constitution to prevent Mr Mueller from bringing charges against the president, but most experts say any resolution will be political. If Mr Mueller finds evidence of improper actions, Congress would most likely debate whether to launch impeachment proceedings against Mr Trump.
