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        雙語(yǔ) | 習(xí)近平博鰲演講 英文報(bào)道+亮點(diǎn)原句

        2018-4-10 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):3224 | 內(nèi)容來(lái)源:本站編輯發(fā)布

        President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 on Tuesday.

        The conference runs from April 8 to 11 in Boao, a town in South China's island province of Hainan, and is themed "An Open and Innovative Asia for a World of Greater Prosperity."

        Here are the highlights of the speech.

        Tariffs and imports


        Xi said China will significantly lower the import tariffs for vehicles and reduce import tariffs for some other products this year(今年,我們將相當(dāng)幅度降低汽車進(jìn)口關(guān)稅,同時(shí)降低部分其他產(chǎn)品進(jìn)口關(guān)稅).

        "We will take the initiative to expand imports(主動(dòng)擴(kuò)大進(jìn)口)," Xi said.

        The country will work hard to import more products that are competitive and needed by the Chinese people(努力增加人民群眾需求比較集中的特色優(yōu)勢(shì)產(chǎn)品進(jìn)口), he said.

        China will also seek faster progress toward joining the WTO Government Procurement Agreement(努力增加人民群眾需求比較集中的特色優(yōu)勢(shì)產(chǎn)品進(jìn)口), according to the president.

        "China does not seek trade surplus; we have a genuine desire to increase imports and achieve greater balance of international payments under the current account(中國(guó)不以追求貿(mào)易順差為目標(biāo),真誠(chéng)希望擴(kuò)大進(jìn)口,促進(jìn)經(jīng)常項(xiàng)目收支平衡)," he said.

        Speaking of the first China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai this November, Xi said friends from around the world are welcome to participate in the Expo(今年11月,我們將在上海舉辦首屆中國(guó)國(guó)際進(jìn)口博覽會(huì),歡迎各國(guó)朋友來(lái)華參加).

        "It is not just another expo in an ordinary sense, but a major policy initiative and commitment taken of our own accord to open up the Chinese market(這不是一般性的會(huì)展,而是我們主動(dòng)開(kāi)放市場(chǎng)的重大政策宣示和行動(dòng))," he said.

        Meanwhile, China hopes developed countries will stop imposing restrictions on normal and reasonable trade of high-tech products and relax export controls on such trade with China(我們希望發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家對(duì)正常合理的高技術(shù)產(chǎn)品貿(mào)易停止人為設(shè)限,放寬對(duì)華高技術(shù)產(chǎn)品出口管制), according to the president.

        IPR protection


        Xi said China will strengthen protection of intellectual property rights(加強(qiáng)知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù)).

        IPR protection is the centerpiece of the system for improving property rights protection, and it will provide the biggest boost to enhancing the competitiveness of the Chinese economy(這是完善產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù)制度最重要的內(nèi)容,也是提高中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力最大的激勵(lì)), the president said.

        "Stronger IPR protection is the requirement of foreign enterprises, and even more so of Chinese enterprises(對(duì)于加強(qiáng)知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù),外資企業(yè)有要求,中國(guó)企業(yè)更有要求)," he said.

        China is re-instituting the State Intellectual Property Office this year to step up law enforcement, significantly raise the cost for offenders and fully unlock the deterrent effect of relevant laws(今年,我們將重新組建國(guó)家知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)局,完善加大執(zhí)法力度,把違法成本顯著提上去,把法律威懾作用充分發(fā)揮出來(lái)), according to the president.

        "We encourage normal technological exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises, and protect the lawful IPR owned by foreign enterprises in China(我們鼓勵(lì)中外企業(yè)開(kāi)展正常技術(shù)交流合作,保護(hù)在華外資企業(yè)合法知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán))," he said.

        Meanwhile, China hopes foreign governments will also improve protection of Chinese IPR(同時(shí),我們希望外國(guó)政府加強(qiáng)對(duì)中國(guó)知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)的保護(hù)), the president said.

        Attractive investment environment


        China will improve the investment environment for foreign investors, Xi said.

        Likening investment environment to air, Xi said that only fresh air can attract more investment from the outside(投資環(huán)境就像空氣,空氣清新才能吸引更多外資).

        "China relied mainly on providing favorable policies for foreign investors in the past, but now we will have to rely more on improving the investment environment(過(guò)去,中國(guó)吸引外資主要靠?jī)?yōu)惠政策,現(xiàn)在要更多靠改善投資環(huán)境)," he said.

        Xi said that China will complete the revision of the negative list on foreign investment in the first half of the year and implement across the board the management system based on pre-establishment national treatment and negative list(今年上半年,我們將完成修訂外商投資負(fù)面清單工作,全面落實(shí)準(zhǔn)入前國(guó)民待遇加負(fù)面清單管理制度).

        "We will enhance alignment with international economic and trading rules, increase transparency, strengthen property right protection, uphold the rule of law, encourage competition and oppose monopoly(我們將加強(qiáng)同國(guó)際經(jīng)貿(mào)規(guī)則對(duì)接,增強(qiáng)透明度,強(qiáng)化產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù),堅(jiān)持依法辦事,鼓勵(lì)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)、反對(duì)壟斷)," he said.

        In March, China established a host of new agencies such as the State Administration for Market Regulation as part of a major readjustment of government institutions.

        The purpose of this readjustment, Xi said, was to remove the systematic and institutional obstacles that prevent the market from playing a decisive role in resources allocation, and enable the government to better play its role(對(duì)現(xiàn)有政府機(jī)構(gòu)作出大幅度調(diào)整,堅(jiān)決破除制約使市場(chǎng)在資源配置中起決定性作用、更好發(fā)揮政府作用的體制機(jī)制弊端).

        Market access


        China will launch a number of landmark measures this year to significantly broaden its market access(今年,我們將推出幾項(xiàng)有標(biāo)志意義的舉措), Xi said.

        Late last year, China announced that measures would be taken to raise foreign equity caps in the banking, securities and insurance industries.

        "We will ensure that these measures are materialized(重大措施要確保落地)," Xi said.

        China will accelerate the opening-up of the insurance industry, ease restrictions on the establishment of foreign financial institutions in China and expand their business scope, and open up more areas of cooperation between Chinese and foreign financial markets(加快保險(xiǎn)行業(yè)開(kāi)放進(jìn)程,放寬外資金融機(jī)構(gòu)設(shè)立限制,擴(kuò)大外資金融機(jī)構(gòu)在華業(yè)務(wù)范圍,拓寬中外金融市場(chǎng)合作領(lǐng)域), he said.

        On manufacturing, he said China has basically opened up this sector with a small number of exceptions on automobiles, ships and aircraft.X "These industries are now in a position to open up. Going forward, we will reduce as soon as possible limits on foreign investment in these industries, automobiles in particular(現(xiàn)在這些行業(yè)已經(jīng)具備開(kāi)放基礎(chǔ),下一步要盡快放寬外資股比限制特別是汽車行業(yè)外資限制)," Xi said.

        Belt and Road Initiative


        Xi said that the Belt and Road Initiative may be China's idea, but its opportunities and outcomes are going to benefit the world(共建“一帶一路”倡議源于中國(guó),但機(jī)會(huì)和成果屬于世界).

        China has no geopolitical calculations, seeks no exclusionary blocs and imposes no business deals on others(中國(guó)不打地緣博弈小算盤,不搞封閉排他小圈子,不做凌駕于人的強(qiáng)買強(qiáng)賣), the president said.

        "It must be pointed out that as the BRI is a new initiative, it is perfectly natural for there to be different views in cooperation. As long as the parties embrace the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, we can surely enhance cooperation and resolve differences(需要指出的是,“一帶一路”建設(shè)是全新的事物,在合作中有些不同意見(jiàn)是完全正常的,只要各方秉持和遵循共商共建共享的原則,就一定能增進(jìn)合作、化解分歧)," he said.

        "This way, we can make the BRI the broadest platform for international cooperation in keeping with the trend of economic globalization and to the greater benefit of all our peoples(把“一帶一路”打造成為順應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化潮流的最廣泛國(guó)際合作平臺(tái),讓共建“一帶一路”更好造福各國(guó)人民)," Xi said.

        Existing international system


        China will not threaten anyone else, attempt to overturn the existing international system, or seek spheres of influence, no matter how much progress it has made in development(無(wú)論中國(guó)發(fā)展到什么程度,我們都不會(huì)威脅誰(shuí),都不會(huì)顛覆現(xiàn)行國(guó)際體系,都不會(huì)謀求建立勢(shì)力范圍), Xi said.

        The country will "stay as determined as ever to build world peace, contribute to global prosperity and uphold the international order(中國(guó)始終是世界和平的建設(shè)者、全球發(fā)展的貢獻(xiàn)者、國(guó)際秩序的維護(hù)者)," he said in a keynote speech delivered at the opening ceremony of Boao Forum for Asia annual conference.

        Chinese nation's missions in new era


        Xi outlined missions the Chinese people need to undertake in the new era.

        "Each age and generation have their own challenges and missions. China has come a long way, but it has to overcome new challenges on its way ahead(一個(gè)時(shí)代有一個(gè)時(shí)代的問(wèn)題,一代人有一代人的使命。雖然我們已走過(guò)萬(wàn)水千山,但仍需要不斷跋山涉水)," Xi said.

        According to Xi, the nation's missions in the new era are as follows:

        -- Continue to improve itself through reform(繼續(xù)自強(qiáng)不息、自我革新);

        -- Take bold steps in innovation to boost development(繼續(xù)大膽創(chuàng)新、推動(dòng)發(fā)展);

        -- Continue to increase openness and expand cooperation(繼續(xù)擴(kuò)大開(kāi)放、加強(qiáng)合作);

        -- Work together with the rest of the world and make greater contribution to humanity(繼續(xù)與世界同行、為人類作出更大貢獻(xiàn)).

        Free trade ports with Chinese characteristics


        China will adopt policies to promote high-standard liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, and explore the opening of free trade ports with Chinese characteristics(實(shí)行高水平的貿(mào)易和投資自由化便利化政策,探索建設(shè)中國(guó)特色自由貿(mào)易港), Xi said.

        "We will pay equal attention to 'bringing in' and 'going global', and break new ground in opening China further through links running eastward and westward, across land and over sea(堅(jiān)持引進(jìn)來(lái)和走出去并重,推動(dòng)形成陸海內(nèi)外聯(lián)動(dòng)、東西雙向互濟(jì)的開(kāi)放格局). "

        A shared future for mankind


        Xi called for people around the world to work together toward a community with a shared future for mankind and make Asia and the world peaceful, tranquil, prosperous, open and beautiful(希望各國(guó)人民同心協(xié)力、攜手前行,努力構(gòu)建人類命運(yùn)共同體,共創(chuàng)和平、安寧、繁榮、開(kāi)放、美麗的亞洲和世界).

        "With the future in mind, we need to treat each other with respect and as equals(面向未來(lái),我們要相互尊重、平等相待), " said Xi.

        With the future in mind, Xi said, we also need to promote dialogue and share responsibility, engage in cooperation for win-win results, uphold inclusiveness and seek harmony without uniformity, as well as treat nature with respect and treasure our planet.

        Reform and opening-up


        - Remarkable achievements


        China began its historic journey of reform and opening-up in 1978, and the Chinese people have added a glorious chapter to the development epic of the country and the nation over the past four decades, Xi said.

        Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have significantly unleashed and enhanced productivity in China through hard work with an unyielding spirit(40年來(lái),中國(guó)人民始終艱苦奮斗、頑強(qiáng)拼搏,極大解放和發(fā)展了中國(guó)社會(huì)生產(chǎn)力), Xi said.

        Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have blazed a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics through determined exploration with a pioneering spirit(40年來(lái),中國(guó)人民始終上下求索、銳意進(jìn)取,開(kāi)辟了中國(guó)特色社會(huì)主義道路), according to Xi.

        Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have kept forging ahead and demonstrated the strength of the nation through keeping pace with the progress of the times(40年來(lái),中國(guó)人民始終與時(shí)俱進(jìn)、一往無(wú)前,充分顯示了中國(guó)力量), he noted.

        "Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have embraced the world with open arms and actively contributed our share to the world,(40年來(lái),中國(guó)人民始終敞開(kāi)胸襟、擁抱世界,積極作出了中國(guó)貢獻(xiàn))" Xi said.

        "Today, the Chinese people can say with great pride that reform and opening-up, China's second revolution if you like, has not only profoundly changed the country but also greatly influenced the whole world(今天,中國(guó)人民完全可以自豪地說(shuō),改革開(kāi)放這場(chǎng)中國(guó)的第二次革命,不僅深刻改變了中國(guó),也深刻影響了世界。, " the president said.

        - Meeting global trend


        Four decades of reform and opening-up has provided many valuable inspirations(中國(guó)40年改革開(kāi)放給人們提供了許多彌足珍貴的啟示), Xi said.

        "The most important one is that for any country or nation to achieve rejuvenation, they must follow the logic of history and the trend of the times in their pursuit of progress and development(最重要的一條就是,一個(gè)國(guó)家、一個(gè)民族要振興,就必須在歷史前進(jìn)的邏輯中前進(jìn)、在時(shí)代發(fā)展的潮流中發(fā)展), " Xi said.

        "China's reform and opening-up meets its people's aspiration for development, innovation and a better life. It also meets the global trend toward development, cooperation and peace(中國(guó)進(jìn)行改革開(kāi)放,順應(yīng)了中國(guó)人民要發(fā)展、要?jiǎng)?chuàng)新、要美好生活的歷史要求,契合了世界各國(guó)人民要發(fā)展、要合作、要和平生活的時(shí)代潮流), " Xi said.

        - Reform and opening up will definitely succeed


        Xi said China's reform and opening up will definitely succeed and that a Cold War mentality, zero-sum thinking, and isolationism would hit walls(妄自尊大或獨(dú)善其身只能四處碰壁).

        Xi said that opening brings progress, while closure would lead to backwardness(開(kāi)放帶來(lái)進(jìn)步,封閉必然落后).

        Xi said that in a world aspiring for peace and development, the cold-war and zero-sum mentality look even more out of place(和平與發(fā)展是世界各國(guó)人民的共同心聲,冷戰(zhàn)思維、零和博弈愈發(fā)陳舊落伍).

        "Putting oneself on a pedestal or trying to immune oneself from adverse developments will get nowhere," said Xi.

        Xi said humanity has a major choice to make between openness and isolation, and between progress and retrogression(開(kāi)放還是封閉,前進(jìn)還是后退,人類面臨著新的重大抉擇).

        "We must dispel the clouds to see the sun, as we say in Chinese, so as to have a keen grasp of the law of history and the trend of the world(我們要不畏浮云遮望眼,善于撥云見(jiàn)日,把握歷史規(guī)律,認(rèn)清世界大勢(shì))," said Xi.

        Xi said we live at a time with an overwhelming trend toward peace and cooperation as well as openness and connectivity(和平合作、開(kāi)放融通的潮流滾滾向前).

        Xi said we also live at a time with an overwhelming trend toward reform and innovation, adding that those who reject them will be left behind and assigned to the dustbin of history(誰(shuí)排斥變革,誰(shuí)拒絕創(chuàng)新,誰(shuí)就會(huì)落后于時(shí)代,誰(shuí)就會(huì)被歷史淘汰).

        GDP growth


        Over the past 40 years, China's GDP has averaged an annual growth rate of around 9.5 percent in comparable prices(40年來(lái),按照可比價(jià)格計(jì)算,中國(guó)國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值年均增長(zhǎng)約9.5%), Xi said.

        The country's foreign trade has registered an annual growth of 14.5 percent in US dollar(以美元計(jì)算,中國(guó)對(duì)外貿(mào)易額年均增長(zhǎng)14.5%), Xi said.

        Poverty relief


        "The Chinese people have emerged from a life of shortages and poverty and are now enjoying abundant supply and a moderately prosperous life(中國(guó)人民生活從短缺走向充裕、從貧困走向小康)," Xi noted.

        According to current UN standards, more than 700 million Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty, accounting for more than 70 percent of the global total over the same period(現(xiàn)行聯(lián)合國(guó)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下的7億多貧困人口成功脫貧,占同期全球減貧人口總數(shù)70%以上), he said.

        Valuable 'Boao proposals'


        With a focus on Asia and a global perspective, the Boao Forum for Asia has hosted active discussions and produced many valuable "Boao proposals" since its inception, Xi said.

        The "Boao proposals" have helped build consensus in Asia, encourage cooperation, promote economic globalization and advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, said Xi.
