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        The integration of IT and communications translation service
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        2016-5-5 | 責(zé)任編輯:朗頓翻譯 | 瀏覽數(shù):2122 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

                         原 文

        3. Premises and Equipment

        3.1 Site plan and description of manufacturing areas with indication of scale

        As shown in Attachment A, manufacturing activities are confined in Rooms 111-128. Other complimentary facilities to support the manufacturing activities such as dispensing room, Work-In-Process (WIP) storage areas are located in room 107-109, 117 and 121. Raw materials and Packaging materials warehouses are located in rooms W2 and W7, respectively. Finished Goods Warehouses are located in rooms W8-W11. Located in Room A1-A22 are QC laboratory, R & D Lab, Admin offices, Canteen, and other rooms for plant support utilities.

        There is no activity relating to sterile product production in this facility at the present time.

        3.2. Nature of construction and finishes

        Detailed description of the nature of construction and finishes of floors and walls, ceilings, lights and other fittings, doors, windows, window frame, work surfaces etc.

        The exterior finish of the premises is ceramic tiles covered brick with metal corrugated steel. All interior walls, floors and ceiling are constructed with hard, nonporous, non-shedding materials. In all processing rooms (referred to as GMP cleanrooms) where raw materials and products are exposed, walls and ceilings are made of aluminum sheet with anti-static epoxy surface finishes and in-filled with aluminum honeycomb and fire retardant materials. Wall to floor, wall to ceiling junctions are fitted with a minimum radius of 25mm profits (coving). All joints are fitted with anti-fungus sealant and flushed with the surrounding panel. Floorings in processing, packaging and warehouses are coated with 2mm seamless epoxy coating. Lights are installed above the suspended ceiling beaming through the opaque acrylic panels. Light frames are flush mounted to ceiling. All windows in the processing areas are made of clear, tempered glass and the window frames are flush mounted by anti-fungus sealant to the adjacent wall panel. Epoxy painted doors with metal steel finishes, complete with cylinder latch, pull handle and viewing window, are installed in each processing room. All work surfaces in processing rooms are made of stainless steel. No wooden materials are used in the processing area.

        Walls, floors, windows, doors and ceiling of packaging and other non-production areas are constructed with hard, nonporous, non-shedding materials. Ceilings are suspended and covered with non-particle shedding acoustical tiles and opaque acrylic panels to conceal the lighting.

        3.3 A description of the air control system, indicating the quality of air filtration.

        Drawing of air handling system is attached in Attachment B. Installed in the premises is an HVAC System consisting of 2 units of Air Handling Units (namely AHU-1 and AHU-2) and its associated components, to provide a controlled environment to the production area. Its control is functioned by a wide range of temperature and humidity and pressure sensors located in each room. These sensors are connected to the central computerized controllers, and interpreted with Direct Digital Control (DDC) control software and a terminal control computer. The DDC controls the entire HVAC system.

        The designed temperature and relative humidity are 22 ? 2?C and 55?5%RH. Pressure gradient is maintained by means of air stabilizers among the rooms to cater for the minor change in pressure during the opening of the door. Temperature, relative humidity, and room pressurization are shown in Attachment C.

        AHU-1 is designed to supply treated air to GMP cleanrooms #103-105, 118-123, 126-128 and part of 129 (cleaned corridor), while AHU-2 is designed to supply treated air to GMP cleanrooms #106-117, 124-125 and part of 129 (cleaned corridor). All processing rooms (granulation, blending and tabletting) are designed with negative pressure with respect to the corridor, in order to contain within the room any powders generated during processing. Positive pressure is created in primary packaging rooms and dispensing room to avoid any contamination from the external environment.

        Pre-treated fresh air is supplied to controlled areas via a terminal HEPA unit mounted on the ceiling of each GMP cleanroom. The HEPA filter has a filter has an efficiency of 99.995% for 0.3?m particle to maintain the air cleanliness at Class 100,000. Pressure differential switch monitors the status of the filter, when the set point is exceeded, a signal will be given to switch on “filter clogged” indicating lamp on the computer.

        An independent portable deduster (Plymovent-Mobile One) equipped with polyester filter cartridge with 99.99% efficiency, is placed in processing rooms and primary packaging rooms, to vacuum the dusts that are generated in the course of processing. A disposable non-woolen filter, and a panel type washable coarse aluminum filter are installed in the front panel of return air duct of each room, to trap powder generated, if any.

        Non-cleanroom areas such as secondary packaging area, warehouses, QC, canteen and utility rooms, and corridors are served by fan coil unit system. Split type heat pump air conditioning units served the administrative offices.

        3.4 Special areas for handling of highly toxic, hazardous and sensitizing materials

        Not applicable

        3.5 Brief description of the process water system including sanitation, schematic drawings of the system

        Water for use in production is generated from a Purified Water Production Plant (see Attachment D for schematic drawing). The plant is designed to produce 400L/hr and the water produced complies with Purified Water Specification of USP25 / BP2001 monograph. The plant consists of a raw water pretreatment group, a double stages reverse osmosis, a storage tank and a distribution loop. To avoid water stagnation on the system, the plant is equipped with an “economizer” that allows the system to run for 5 minutes for each 50 minutes of non-production time.

        Raw water is pre-treated as follows: filtration through 20?m filter cartridge, followed by softening. Two units of water softeners are installed and are completely managed by a specific programmer that controls the regeneration and production cycle. The softened water is then filtered through 5?m filter cartridge and then sent to the break tank. The break tank is equipped with accessories for automatic dosing of metabisulfite solution (Redox control) to eliminate traces of free chlorine, and for automatic dosing of NaOH solution (pH control) to eliminate the dissolved CO2 in the water.

        The water in the break tank is then sent to the 1st stage Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) unit and then fed into the 2nd stage Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) unit. For control and adjustment, both units are equipped digital conductivity meter and other accessories for continuous control of water conductivity and alarm set points. The R.O. skid is equipped with a cleaning service for automatic chemical sanitation.

        Purified water with a conductivity of less than 2 ?S/cm is then sent to a jacketed storage tank via spray balls. The storage tank is equipped with sanitary capacity level probe, Pt100 probe and with a jacketed sterilizing filter for the air vent (0.2?m hydrophobic filter). A thermal insulation is executed in the tank to afford thermal sterilization at 85?C for 2 hours. Water contact parts inside the tank are all in stainless steel AISI 316L execution.

        The distribution loop is equipped with two centrifugal pumps assembled in stand-by system, for purified water circulation. Both pumps are in sanitary execution, fully made in stainless steel AISI 316L, and designed to guarantee water circulation even in the stand-by pump. The loop is equipped with a heat exchanger to keep the water at 18?C before returning to the storage tank and to heat the water to 85?C during sanitation cycle. The loop is designed to supply five user points inside the controlled production areas. Manual valves, in sanitary execution, are installed in each user points and all sampling points. The loop is equipped with flow sanitary meter, conductivity meter and Pt100 probe.

        All piping (connected with orbital welding), clamp connections, diaphragm valves, sanitary pumps used in the whole plant is in AISI 316L. Various sampling points are installed to enable sampling at every step of the purification process. Two sampling points are installed in the distribution loop to enable sampling of the water before going user points and before going back to the storage tank.

        Based on the validation data, the sanitation program that is in-place includes replacement of filter cartridge (5 ?m weekly and 20?m monthly), chemical sanitation of the R.O. Plant every 6 months, and thermal sterilization of the storage tank and distribution loop every month. Daily monitoring of water conductivity and monthly monitoring of water quality (chemical and microbiological) is in-place, based on validation results. Operation and monitoring of the plant are done in accordance with SOPs. Monitoring logs, Sanitation logs, Preventive Maintenance and Sanitation Schedule are currently in-place to maintain the plant in control.


                                  譯 文


        3.1 帶比例顯示的現(xiàn)場平面布置圖和生產(chǎn)區(qū)描述



        3.2. 結(jié)構(gòu)性質(zhì)和表面裝飾



        3.3 空氣調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)的描述,指示空氣過濾的質(zhì)量


        設(shè)計的溫度和相對濕度分別為22?2?C和55?5%RH。通過在各個門之間采用空氣穩(wěn)定器的方式來維持壓力梯度,以便滿足在開門時保持較小的壓力變化。 溫度、相對濕度和房間壓力如附件C所示。



        在加工室和內(nèi)包裝室內(nèi)放置有獨立的便攜式除塵器(Plymovent-Mobile One),該除塵器裝配有聚酯濾芯,過濾效率為99.99%,主要用來清除掉在加工過程中所產(chǎn)生的粉塵。在每個房間回風(fēng)管的前面板上安裝有一臺一次性的非毛織品過濾器,以及一臺板式可洗粗鋁過濾器,以捕捉收集可能產(chǎn)生的任何粉塵。


        3.4 處理高毒性、危險和敏感材料的特殊區(qū)域


        3.5 包括衛(wèi)生設(shè)施在內(nèi)的工藝用水系統(tǒng)的簡要描述,以及該系統(tǒng)的示意圖

        生產(chǎn)用水由凈化水生產(chǎn)裝置(參見附件D 中的示意圖)生產(chǎn)。該裝置的設(shè)計生產(chǎn)能力為400升/小時,所生產(chǎn)的水符合USP25 / BP2001標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的凈化水規(guī)格。該裝置由原水預(yù)處理組、雙級反滲透裝置、一個儲槽和一個配水回路構(gòu)成。為避免水在系統(tǒng)中停滯,該裝置裝配有一個“省水器”,它可以使系統(tǒng)在非生產(chǎn)時間內(nèi)每隔50分鐘運行5分鐘。
        原水的預(yù)處理工序如下:通過20?m 的濾芯進(jìn)行過濾,然后再進(jìn)行軟化。安裝有兩組軟水器,并完全由控制再生和生產(chǎn)周期的特定編程器進(jìn)行管理。經(jīng)軟化的水通過5?m的濾芯進(jìn)行過濾,然后被送到緩沖罐(break tank)。該緩沖罐裝配有自動加注偏亞硫酸氫鹽溶液的附屬設(shè)備(氧化還原控制),以便消除微量的游離氯,以及自動加注NaOH溶液(pH控制)以便消除在水中溶解的CO2。


        然后,電導(dǎo)率小于2 ?S/cm 的凈化水經(jīng)噴球被送到一個帶夾套的儲槽。該儲槽配有衛(wèi)生的額定水位探頭、Pt100探頭以及一個用于當(dāng)空氣排出時的帶夾套的殺菌過濾器(0.2?m疏水過濾器)。該儲槽實現(xiàn)絕熱保溫,以便提供2小時85?C的熱力滅菌。槽內(nèi)接觸水的部件全部采用不銹鋼AISI 316L 制造。

        配水回路裝備有兩臺離心泵,按備用方式裝配,用于凈化水循環(huán)。兩臺泵均執(zhí)行衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn),全部由不銹鋼AISI 316L制造,被設(shè)計用來保證備用泵內(nèi)水循環(huán)平穩(wěn)。該回路裝配有熱交換器,以便保證在水回流到儲槽之前保持18?C的水溫,以及在衛(wèi)生循環(huán)期間將水加熱到85?C。該回路被設(shè)計用來向受控生產(chǎn)區(qū)內(nèi)的五個用戶點供水。按照衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn)執(zhí)行,各個用戶點和所有取樣點都安裝有手動閥。該回路還裝配有衛(wèi)生流量計、電導(dǎo)計和Pt100探頭。

        在整個裝置內(nèi)使用的所有管道(采用環(huán)縫自動導(dǎo)軌焊接連接)、卡箍連接、膜板閥、和衛(wèi)生泵都采用AISI 316L制造。安裝有各種取樣點,以便在凈化工藝的各個工序上都能進(jìn)行取樣分析。在配水回路上安裝有兩個取樣點,以便在水進(jìn)入用戶點之前以及在回流到儲槽之前都能進(jìn)行取樣分析。



